Printing Business Strategies from The Online Print Coach

Next-Level Printing Business Strategies
Posted in: Education
By Beth Whittock
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Printing Business Strategies from The Online Print Coach

Printing Business Strategies from The Online Print Coach

Want to know how to propel your print business to the next level? This week on the Garment Decorators Podcast we're joined by Colin Sinclair McDermott, the Online Print Coach.

Colin has helped hundreds of heat printers succeed within their businesses. In this episode, he shares some insights that have helped his clients succeed. As well as problems garment decorators face when building their businesses. Colin tells us about how he became a Print Coach, the community he's created, and why having a coach is beneficial. If you're getting started and looking to grow your businesses, this episode is a must watch. Colin also hosts his own podcast, the Printerviews, which you can listen to here.

Colin speaks of his journey through the print industry and the company that he lost to the 2008 recession. He remembers the struggles that path took him down and how he now uses that experience to help educate other business owners. He is a firm believer that everyone can avoid the mistakes he made early on by simply learning from his mistakes. He goes on to explain that the print industry has undergone noticeable changes over the years. He remembers a time where printers avoided interacting with other printers through fear of having business stolen. However, since the pandemic, printers are alot friendlier and use each other's experiences to learn, and save money and time.

Watch the podcast episode in full here: 

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6 days ago